So.. I took in a couple roos the other day. A black Silkie and a cuckoo Silkie. The cuckoo Silkie looks so different, though. He is supposed to be pure Silkie, I guess..
The lady I got them from is a breeder of Silkie & Welsummers. She didn't need these two anymore, because she isn't breeding the cuckoo color anymore, and the black roo has a slightly crooked beak.
The above photo was taken on the way home, while stopping for gas. He's a fairly friendly roo. The black one seems sweet too, except... While giving them a bath, he grabbed onto the Cuckoo's wattle, and would let go! =/
Yesterday was a busy day.. Cleaned 4 brooders (sigh).. Had to give the two new roosters a bath.. Give my goat a bath (not an easy task lol).. Give 2 dogs and 7 puppies a bath. After which time, it was time for me to take a bath...Was already soaked anyway! ha
Today, I have to worm the goat and try to get a lot done..And I woke up tired. Exhausted. Hate that. You know it's going to be a long say when you wake feeling that way. lol
Anyway.. The baby chicks are all doing well. I have chicks in 3 separate "brooders".. And a couple Mallard ducks in another.
The Tetra Tints and "mixed reds" (golden comets?) are in a cage in the house.. The original brooder has Amberlinks, a couple Leghorn pullets, 4 mystery chicks (lol) - they were in a bin at Tractor Supply marked "Comm. black pullets" , 3 Easter Eggers,3 barred rocks..
A brooder for the bantams - not sure what most of them are. I have 12, and out of those I know I have two Silkies. The other? Dunno. lol I have a couple production reds in with them for now, until they get a little bigger.
Then, I have the Mallards in their own little brooder. I think I got one male, one female. :) I tried the vent sexing method, and without a doubt, one is male. I'm 99% sure the other is female. lol
All are doing well, but have been a LOT of work to keep up, that many brooders, in an already crowded room. But, they are worth it.
The outside birds have been much easier to care for, obviously. lol
Outside, I have 4 month old Pekin ducks.. I bought them not too long ago from a guy in a nearby town. When we met up with him and tried to pet the ducks, I quickly realized they are not nearly as tame as I had expected/hoped. So, they will be some work.
Then, I have a white Silkie hen, a blue "splash" (?) Silkie roo, the two new roos,
an OEGB roo (he's not doing too great though).. Two White Rock hens, one "White Rock" with speckles.... lol Was told she was a White Rock hen, but if she is, she has to be mixed! lol She may be a Delaware or Sussex with faulty coloration, or a mix. She's the friendliest of the 3. :)
Back to the brooder situation... lol I'm moving the Tetra Tints and reds into a tall cage today, with more branches. I think the Ameracauna/Easter Eggers will be moving up, too. They are getting HUGE! They've outgrown the Amberlinks/Leghorns, all the same exact age!
Didn't think EE's were that much larger than Amberlinks, etc? Anyhow, they will probably move up into the big "brooder" cage today.It's actually a ferret cage. lol But it works! The bigger chicks love perching, roosting, flying.. lol
The last of the chicks I am planning to get this year will be here late April/early May.I have 5 Amberlinks & 5 black Australorps on order for the last week of April.. And 15 Buff Orpingtons on order for the first week of May. I only wanted 5-8 Buff Orps, but there was a 15 pullet minimum. =/
Sooooo tired. But, time to stop procrastinating. lol